Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:54:28 - Live Ticker



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 +Fed up with high corp taxes???
 +Join DRFC with a 2.5% Tax rate. You get to keep 3/4 of the ISK you would usually pay in tax.
 +Missions Runners/Incursion Runners/Industrialists Welcome to benefit from low corp taxes
-Fed up with high corp taxes???<br><br>Join DRFC with a 2.5% Tax rate. You get to keep 3/4 of the ISK you would usually pay in tax.<br><br>Missions Runners/Incursion Runners/Industrialists Welcome to benefit from low corp taxes<br><br>Incursion running corp who are happy to help new players or people new to incursions and want advice<br><br>Recruitment Channel <b><i><u>Low Taxes</b></i></u>+Incursion running corp who are happy to help new players or people new to incursions and want advice
 +Recruitment Channel Low Taxes

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:54:28 Corporation Description
Corporation Data Research Freedom Corp Member 4
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