Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:58:09 - Live Ticker



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 +Offices FR 2 is corporation that is active, friendly and commited to teamwork.
 +We offer
 +Wormhole Access,
 +Plexes,Mining/building program
 +Home in Null sec,
 +And much much more.
-Offices FR 2 is corporation that is active, friendly and commited to teamwork.<br><br>We offer<br><br>Wormhole Access,<br>Exploration,<br>PVP,<br>Plexes,Mining/building program<br>Home in Null sec,<br>And much much more.<br><br>We are looking for 10 Mil SP and up (but will make exceptions after for lower sp chars upon interviewing). We have lots of experienced players that are willing to help you on your journey to becomming one of the best pvp/pve pilots out there and are inviting you!!!<br>Interested? For questions contact, Novula, Grizzly Kon, titan hawt(main recruiter) +We are looking for 10 Mil SP and up (but will make exceptions after for lower sp chars upon interviewing). We have lots of experienced players that are willing to help you on your journey to becomming one of the best pvp/pve pilots out there and are inviting you!!!
 +Interested? For questions contact, Novula, Grizzly Kon, titan hawt(main recruiter)

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:58:09 Corporation Description
Alliance Intrepid Crossing Member 284
Corporation Offices fr 2 Member 9
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