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 +What is Du'uma Fiisi Integrated Astrometrics?
-<b>What is Du'uma Fiisi Integrated Astrometrics?<br></b><br>Du'uma Fiisi is a Thukker terrorist (<b>PvP</b>) organization comprised of Minmatar and other capsuleers who aren't quite satisfied with the direction the Republic has taken in the days since the Elder War. Fiercely loyal to the Minmatar race, its goals are to bring pain and suffering to anyone who would work to hinder efforts being made to bring all Minmatar closer together; efforts such as those undertaken in secret by Sanmatar Shakor and Thukker Chief Aeboul. DF1AS knows that the goals of the Republic as a political entity are not always in the best interests of the Minmatar as a people, and while we does not actively want to do harm to Minmatar citizens, we are ever watchful for enemies of the Tribes whether they be foreign or domestic.<br><br>To this end, DF1AS has always maintained NRDS rules of engagement in Minmatar space.<br><br>In addition to being a PvP-centric corporation, Du'uma Fiisi is also an RP corporation. Having an in-character motive for blowing people up just seems to make blowing those people up that much more satisfying than just doing it randomly. In-character participation isn't "mandatory" but it's encouraged and we expect any non-RP members to be respectful of the RP core and avoid being disruptive. Something worth noting, though:<br><br>Role-playing is more than shouting "Die, Slaver, die" in local. It's about portraying a character, a personality that may, in many ways, be different from your own. In triumph or disaster, joy or pain, every turn of events has an effect that shapes that personality and that we enjoy portraying. For more on RP, see this post on our corp forum.<br><br><b>What isn't Du'uma Fiisi?<br></b><br>We're not a rabid Minmatar Republic loyalist group who will do anything for the glory of the Republic. We're more concerned with Thukker ideals like freedom and profit - especially if that profit comes at the expense of someone we don't particularly care for.<br><br>So if you're interested in joining Du'uma Fiisi because you want to serve the Republic, and that's your only reason, these are not the freedom fighters you are looking for.<br><br>To learn more about Du'uma Fiisi and how to become a part of it, please see the extended Du'uma Fiisi Overview on our corp forum ( where you will find Du'uma Fiisi's general recruitment standards.<br><br>Public Channel: DF1AS Public +Du'uma Fiisi is a Thukker terrorist (PvP) organization comprised of Minmatar and other capsuleers who aren't quite satisfied with the direction the Republic has taken in the days since the Elder War. Fiercely loyal to the Minmatar race, its goals are to bring pain and suffering to anyone who would work to hinder efforts being made to bring all Minmatar closer together; efforts such as those undertaken in secret by Sanmatar Shakor and Thukker Chief Aeboul. DF1AS knows that the goals of the Republic as a political entity are not always in the best interests of the Minmatar as a people, and while we does not actively want to do harm to Minmatar citizens, we are ever watchful for enemies of the Tribes whether they be foreign or domestic.
 +To this end, DF1AS has always maintained NRDS rules of engagement in Minmatar space.
 +In addition to being a PvP-centric corporation, Du'uma Fiisi is also an RP corporation. Having an in-character motive for blowing people up just seems to make blowing those people up that much more satisfying than just doing it randomly. In-character participation isn't "mandatory" but it's encouraged and we expect any non-RP members to be respectful of the RP core and avoid being disruptive. Something worth noting, though:
 +Role-playing is more than shouting "Die, Slaver, die" in local. It's about portraying a character, a personality that may, in many ways, be different from your own. In triumph or disaster, joy or pain, every turn of events has an effect that shapes that personality and that we enjoy portraying. For more on RP, see this post on our corp forum.
 +What isn't Du'uma Fiisi?
 +We're not a rabid Minmatar Republic loyalist group who will do anything for the glory of the Republic. We're more concerned with Thukker ideals like freedom and profit - especially if that profit comes at the expense of someone we don't particularly care for.
 +So if you're interested in joining Du'uma Fiisi because you want to serve the Republic, and that's your only reason, these are not the freedom fighters you are looking for.
 +To learn more about Du'uma Fiisi and how to become a part of it, please see the extended Du'uma Fiisi Overview on our corp forum ( where you will find Du'uma Fiisi's general recruitment standards.
 +Public Channel: DF1AS Public

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:58:18 Corporation Description
Corporation Du'uma Fiisi Integrated Astrometrics Member 1
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