Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:59:55 - Live Ticker



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-Otherland Industrial is a corporation focused on the Industrial side of eve. Our goals are simple, we focus mainly on mining and manufacturing goods and ships.<br><br>Our eventual goal is sustainable T2 production and Capital Ship Construction. As well as a Null Sec home to do help us acheive these goals.<br><br>What we are looking for:<br><br>-Miners<br>-Manufactures<br>-People who have an interest in living in Null Sec (Null sec experience is a bonus but not required)<br>-Willingness to learn and grow the corporation.+Otherland Industrial is a corporation focused on the Industrial side of eve. Our goals are simple, we focus mainly on mining and manufacturing goods and ships.
 +Our eventual goal is sustainable T2 production and Capital Ship Construction. As well as a Null Sec home to do help us acheive these goals.
 +What we are looking for:
 +-People who have an interest in living in Null Sec (Null sec experience is a bonus but not required)
 +-Willingness to learn and grow the corporation.

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:59:55 Corporation Description
Corporation Otherland Industrial Member 0
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