Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:03:16 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Mobius Collective! We are a corporation built around mission running, mining operations, trade and industry and exploration. We also also working towards the goal of effective small scale PvP.<br><br>We are new player friendly and enjoy teaching others the finer points of EVE whenever possible. <br><br>We do not expect much from new members of the Mobius Collective. All we ask is that you remain friendly and honorable, +Mobius Collective! We are a corporation built around mission running, mining operations, trade and industry and exploration. We also also working towards the goal of effective small scale PvP.
 +We are new player friendly and enjoy teaching others the finer points of EVE whenever possible.
 +We do not expect much from new members of the Mobius Collective. All we ask is that you remain friendly and honorable,

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:03:16 Corporation Description
Corporation Mobius Collective Member 5
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