Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:03:34 - Live Ticker



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 +Technomancers are looking for Miners and Haulers!
 +We are a Corporation who is about working together and building upon our relationships. Our main focus is mining, that's what we do and that's what we like. Our main priority is to build a relationship between each other and grow with the spirit of helping each other.
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Technomancers are looking for Miners and Haulers!<br><br>We are a Corporation who is about working together and building upon our relationships. Our main focus is mining, that's what we do and that's what we like. Our main priority is to build a relationship between each other and grow with the spirit of helping each other.<br><br>This is a Corporation that is about helping younger miners earn a decent wage for the effort and time they put forward and putting others before yourself. So if you are looking for a place where the people are in it for each other, rather than the "Me First" mentality, then you have found it.<br><br>Please join our public channel or speak with one of the recruitment officers if you would like to learn more.<br><br><br>Recruitment Officers: <br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><loc><a href="showinfo:1379//92361131">Erik Malukker</a><br><a href="showinfo:1383//90927173">Hoshiko Ozuwara</a><br><a href="showinfo:1376//92417318">Ralphiso Kurvor</loc>a</a><br><loc><a href="showinfo:1378//92623251">Eandyil</a></loc><br><br></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Public Channel: <b>T3CHN</b></font>+This is a Corporation that is about helping younger miners earn a decent wage for the effort and time they put forward and putting others before yourself. So if you are looking for a place where the people are in it for each other, rather than the "Me First" mentality, then you have found it.
 +Please join our public channel or speak with one of the recruitment officers if you would like to learn more.
 +Recruitment Officers:
 +Erik Malukker
 +Hoshiko Ozuwara
 +Ralphiso Kurvora
 +Public Channel: T3CHN

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:03:34 Corporation Description
Alliance TriMark Alliance Member 0
Corporation Technomancers Member 1
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