Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:03:34 - Live Ticker



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-HAND OF OBLIVION is like any Corporation in its main goals, this is to make lots of ISK and to have fun on the way. We would always like to be improving and having bigger and better projects all the time.<br><br><br>Defining yourself can be a complicated process…<br><br>Are you a fighter?<br>Are you a worker?<br>Are you strong?<br>Are you dedicated?<br>Are you honorable?<br><br>These are questions that you ask yourself regardless of a real life situation or the very seriousness of Internet Spaceships.<br><br>HAND OF OBLIVION is a breed of capsuleer that strives to dedicate him or herself to set ideals:<br><br>Warfare and Tactics<br>Alliance Support<br>Teamwork<br>Brotherhood<br>Friendship<br><br>What we can offer :<br> <br>* Mining Ops <br>* PVE Level 4 Mission Runners<br>* Ship replacement program<br>* Respect and Loyalty<br>* In future fly to low null and wormholes to explore PvP and PvE<br><br>Activity – something we really take pride in is having an active member base<br><br>Freedom – have the freedom to do whatever you like, without the worry of CTA’s.<br><br>EU time zone is our strength however our US is also growing you will always be able to join our ops no matter what time zone you are in.<br><br>FC’s that understand tactics and game mechanics well to deliver you an on the edge of your seat experience you will never forget<br><br>A Home for all your character with Alt corps to hold your Cyno Alts/Industry alts etc.<br><br> Join us Now !!!+HAND OF OBLIVION is like any Corporation in its main goals, this is to make lots of ISK and to have fun on the way. We would always like to be improving and having bigger and better projects all the time.
 +Defining yourself can be a complicated process…
 +Are you a fighter?
 +Are you a worker?
 +Are you strong?
 +Are you dedicated?
 +Are you honorable?
 +These are questions that you ask yourself regardless of a real life situation or the very seriousness of Internet Spaceships.
 +HAND OF OBLIVION is a breed of capsuleer that strives to dedicate him or herself to set ideals:
 +Warfare and Tactics
 +Alliance Support
 +What we can offer :
 +* Mining Ops
 +* PVE Level 4 Mission Runners
 +* Ship replacement program
 +* Respect and Loyalty
 +* In future fly to low null and wormholes to explore PvP and PvE
 +Activity – something we really take pride in is having an active member base
 +Freedom – have the freedom to do whatever you like, without the worry of CTA’s.
 +EU time zone is our strength however our US is also growing you will always be able to join our ops no matter what time zone you are in.
 +FC’s that understand tactics and game mechanics well to deliver you an on the edge of your seat experience you will never forget
 +A Home for all your character with Alt corps to hold your Cyno Alts/Industry alts etc.
 + Join us Now !!!

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:03:34 Corporation Description
Alliance The Silent One's Member 0
Corporation HAND OF OBLIVION Member 40
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