Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:05:45 - Live Ticker



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 +Welcome to Nebula Inc
 +Nebula Inc. started its life as a private corp for a couple of friends starting out in EVE. Now we spend our time looking at the future of the corp!!!
 +We decided to start up a Corp after a long time spent in EVE looking for a place to call home.
 +And thats pretty much the just, of how the corp started its life!
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff"><b><u>Welcome to Nebula Inc<br><br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:2//98001970">Nebula Inc.</a></b></u></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> started its life as a private corp for a couple of friends starting out in EVE. Now we spend our time looking at the future of the corp!!!<br><br>We decided to start up a Corp after a long time spent in EVE looking for a place to call home.<br><br>And thats pretty much the just, of how the corp started its life! <br>The idea would be to have a place where we can make new friends, and ultimately, have fun together. We are currently based primarily out of Amarr space, and have access to a Null sec area.<br>There are good trade hubs not to far off, great mining opportunities, and mission hubs close by.<br><br>We do have some long term plans, but this will come in time, and we will continue to work forward to achieve our goals!<br><br><b><u>We are primarily from EU TZ!!<br><br>Our plans for the Corp include:</b></u><br> - Lots of missioning - lvl 1 - 4 (new pilot friendly)<br> - Mining operations with Orca support<br> - Null Sec / Low Sec<br> - Take part in pvp fleet ops<br> - Trading / Marketing / Industry<br> - and pretty much anything that you feel like :D<br> - Ore Buyback players for all those who love mining!<br><br><b><u>What can we offer to our Corp mates?</b></u><br> - First of all, a place to call home!<br> - Place to hang out when you want to relax and have a bit of banter with your fellow corpies<br> - Place to learn more about the game if your new to EVE<br> - We have a good selection of Blueprints available for our corp members, and we will be happy to produce and supply ships / mods / ammo to our corp members for free <br> - It will be a very flat structure, and we would always be open for suggestions and discussions from fellow corp members on what they would like to achieve in their time in EVE.<br> - TS3 server for Corp<br> - Soon to be set up POS<br> - Bunch of experienced players to help / guide you on your way in EVE<br> - Part of an Alliance that operates in both High and Null sec space<br> - Future PVP ship replacement program<br><br>If this sounds like your idea of a corp, get in touch!<br><br>Pub Channel "Nebula Inc Public"<br><br>Fly Safe!<br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1378//1674136692">Einia</a><br></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">o/</font>+The idea would be to have a place where we can make new friends, and ultimately, have fun together. We are currently based primarily out of Amarr space, and have access to a Null sec area.
 +There are good trade hubs not to far off, great mining opportunities, and mission hubs close by.
 +We do have some long term plans, but this will come in time, and we will continue to work forward to achieve our goals!
 +We are primarily from EU TZ!!
 +Our plans for the Corp include:
 + - Lots of missioning - lvl 1 - 4 (new pilot friendly)
 + - Mining operations with Orca support
 + - Null Sec / Low Sec
 + - Take part in pvp fleet ops
 + - Trading / Marketing / Industry
 + - and pretty much anything that you feel like :D
 + - Ore Buyback players for all those who love mining!
 +What can we offer to our Corp mates?
 + - First of all, a place to call home!
 + - Place to hang out when you want to relax and have a bit of banter with your fellow corpies
 + - Place to learn more about the game if your new to EVE
 + - We have a good selection of Blueprints available for our corp members, and we will be happy to produce and supply ships / mods / ammo to our corp members for free
 + - It will be a very flat structure, and we would always be open for suggestions and discussions from fellow corp members on what they would like to achieve in their time in EVE.
 + - TS3 server for Corp
 + - Soon to be set up POS
 + - Bunch of experienced players to help / guide you on your way in EVE
 + - Part of an Alliance that operates in both High and Null sec space
 + - Future PVP ship replacement program
 +If this sounds like your idea of a corp, get in touch!
 +Pub Channel "Nebula Inc Public"
 +Fly Safe!

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:05:45 Corporation Description
Alliance Elemental Tide Member 1
Corporation Nebula Inc. Member 12
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