Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:06:34 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +We are active! And Recruting.. PVP, Mission runners, Miners etc...
-We are active! And Recruting.. PVP, Mission runners, Miners etc...<br><br>Looking for: Pilots that are looking for a fun loyal corp. We are looking for friends, people that get along and try to help each other!<br><br>We Offer:<br>+ Voice. <br>+ Lots of fleet ops.<br>+ 0.0 Access.<br><br>Looking for quality players, from any background. <br>We are a fun group and real life is more iomportant than eve. <br>Extremely laid back and fun corp.. Apply Now!!+Looking for: Pilots that are looking for a fun loyal corp. We are looking for friends, people that get along and try to help each other!
 +We Offer:
 ++ Voice.
 ++ Lots of fleet ops.
 ++ 0.0 Access.
 +Looking for quality players, from any background.
 +We are a fun group and real life is more iomportant than eve.
 +Extremely laid back and fun corp.. Apply Now!!

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:06:34 Corporation Description
Corporation Dole Premium Bananas Member 4
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