Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:08:14 - Live Ticker



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-Ronan Manufacturing. Manufacturing co-operative dedicated to members who want to work together to attain wealth in EVE.<br><br>Aspirations include typical eve goals:<br><br>- Accumulation of wealth through manufacturing and satisfaction of market demand<br>- establishment of soverign bases in order to gain competative advantages<br>- protect ourselves from those who would challenge us.<br>- Develope a PVE focus, either WH's or Incursions<br>- Establish Corporate POS in null sec+Ronan Manufacturing. Manufacturing co-operative dedicated to members who want to work together to attain wealth in EVE.
 +Aspirations include typical eve goals:
 +- Accumulation of wealth through manufacturing and satisfaction of market demand
 +- establishment of soverign bases in order to gain competative advantages
 +- protect ourselves from those who would challenge us.
 +- Develope a PVE focus, either WH's or Incursions
 +- Establish Corporate POS in null sec

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:08:14 Corporation Description
Corporation Ronan Manufacturing Member 2
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