Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:09:09 - Live Ticker



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-S.I.G. Net is a special intelligence group operated by and ran by players already involved in the intelligence community. We have operated in null sec space with great success and are looking to expand our operations into high security and wormhole space.<br><br>We currently offer all of the following services and complete anonymity for those involved with our operations.<br><br>HIGH SECURITY OPERATIONS<br>• POS Locations<br>• Member lists<br>• Fleet compositions<br>• Member activity<br>• Office locations<br>• Mis-information/counter intelligence<br>• Industry disruption<br>• Asset recovery/removal<br><br>WORMHOLE SPACE OPERATIONS<br>• Wormhole entry locations<br>• Tower location and compositions<br>• Inhabitants list<br><br>We also offer our services to new corps who wish to test thier recruiting officers by infiltrating your corporation at your request.+S.I.G. Net is a special intelligence group operated by and ran by players already involved in the intelligence community. We have operated in null sec space with great success and are looking to expand our operations into high security and wormhole space.
 +We currently offer all of the following services and complete anonymity for those involved with our operations.
 +• POS Locations
 +• Member lists
 +• Fleet compositions
 +• Member activity
 +• Office locations
 +• Mis-information/counter intelligence
 +• Industry disruption
 +• Asset recovery/removal
 +• Wormhole entry locations
 +• Tower location and compositions
 +• Inhabitants list
 +We also offer our services to new corps who wish to test thier recruiting officers by infiltrating your corporation at your request.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:09:09 Corporation Description
Corporation S.I.G.Net Clandestine Operations Member 2
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