Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:09:22 - Live Ticker



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 +Every day, in the forever changing world of New Eden pilots are Universally Challenged.
 +If you're looking to face that challenge head on, to test yourself before the eyes of the uncaring cosmos - and laugh regardless, - then join us.
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Every day, in the forever changing world of New Eden pilots are Universally Challenged. <br><br><br>If you're looking to face that challenge head on, to test yourself before the eyes of the uncaring cosmos - and laugh regardless, - then join us.<br><br><br>Universally Challenged is a corporation focused on development through the personal successes of its members - what ever their profession or abilites. We offer support and advice to all our members, a friendly environment, and a sharp eye to watch your back.<br><br>All we ask is Loyalty, Legality and a sense of humour.<br><br>Interested? Contact </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1380//1966688076">SultanJobe</a></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">, or any of our members in your local channel.<br><br>Message one of the ones listed above for more info.</font>+Universally Challenged is a corporation focused on development through the personal successes of its members - what ever their profession or abilites. We offer support and advice to all our members, a friendly environment, and a sharp eye to watch your back.
 +All we ask is Loyalty, Legality and a sense of humour.
 +Interested? Contact SultanJobe, or any of our members in your local channel.
 +Message one of the ones listed above for more info.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:09:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Bitches - Bints and Battleships Member 0
Corporation universally challenged Member 12
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