Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:09:31 - Live Ticker


  • Corporation Ffap has changed their description


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-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">FFAP was originally founded with the idea of piracy and seeing other ships go boom. Since it's creation it has evolved into a corporation of laid back PvP enthusiasts who, while performing other menial tasks, have no qualms with taking advantage of a situation in order to see another pilot explode.<br><br>FFAP stands for: For Fun And Profit.<br><br>-We offer high sec, low sec, and null sec pvp/pve opportunities to all pilots in FFAP.<br><br>If interested in joining, contact:<br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1375//120679855">Trinityrose<br></a><a href="showinfo:1383//1494045492">Mujad<br></a><a href="showinfo:1379//1391372074">Sys Ffap<br></a><a href="showinfo:1375//1791410782">Ryf Ffap</a></font> +FFAP was originally founded with the idea of piracy and seeing other ships go boom. Since it's creation it has evolved into a corporation of laid back PvP enthusiasts who, while performing other menial tasks, have no qualms with taking advantage of a situation in order to see another pilot explode.
 +FFAP stands for: For Fun And Profit.
 +-We offer high sec, low sec, and null sec pvp/pve opportunities to all pilots in FFAP.
 +If interested in joining, contact:
 +Sys Ffap
 +Ryf Ffap

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:09:31 Corporation Description
Corporation Ffap Member 2
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