Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:16:45 - Live Ticker



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 +We got kicked out of DCMI
 +But really...
 +Were a bunch of pilots that were looking to have fun, and of course a low tax rate.
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">We got kicked out of DCMI<br><br>But really...<br>Were a bunch of pilots that were looking to have fun, and of course a low tax rate.<br><br>We don't care if you are a noob or not, half of us would consider ourselves one anyway, we are all helping each other out and learning how to play the game from some of our more experienced Corp and alliance members.<br><br>We do everything you can think of, from mining to mission running, even PvP.<br><br>If you want to join just send us an app and we will accept almost anyone. Just remember to be respectful.<br><br><br>Not currently accepting Applications, for more information contact </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1376//341264735">AKReaper1</font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">3</a></font>+We don't care if you are a noob or not, half of us would consider ourselves one anyway, we are all helping each other out and learning how to play the game from some of our more experienced Corp and alliance members.
 +We do everything you can think of, from mining to mission running, even PvP.
 +If you want to join just send us an app and we will accept almost anyone. Just remember to be respectful.
 +Not currently accepting Applications, for more information contact AKReaper13

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:16:45 Corporation Description
Corporation Deep Core Mavericks Member 8
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