Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:17:52 - Live Ticker



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 +Femke Doutz > hello
 +S > hii
 +Femke Doutz > what's up?
 +S > you running missions?
-Femke Doutz &gt; hello<br>S &gt; hii<br>Femke Doutz &gt; what's up?<br>S &gt; you running missions?<br>S &gt; was just looking at local and picked a name<br>S &gt; I'm looking for recruits :)<br>Femke Doutz &gt; to do?<br>S &gt; pve and pvp in 0.0 when you feel ready<br>------------------<br>It went downhill from there.+S > was just looking at local and picked a name
 +S > I'm looking for recruits :)
 +Femke Doutz > to do?
 +S > pve and pvp in 0.0 when you feel ready
 +It went downhill from there.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:17:52 Corporation Description
Corporation Lousy T-Shirt Corp Member 4
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