Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:18:04 - Live Ticker



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 +Star-Dust Drifters Industry
 +"Infinity is the universe. The same for our curiosity."
-Star-Dust Drifters Industry<br>-------------------<br>"Infinity is the universe. The same for our curiosity."<br><br>SDDI is an "All for one, and one for all" organization. We do our best to make sure that our members have the ships and equipment needed to serve the corporation's needs, as well as the individual's needs. <br><br>We are currently low in standing, and will probably not accept -many- new recruits.<br><br>Tax Rate: 10% +SDDI is an "All for one, and one for all" organization. We do our best to make sure that our members have the ships and equipment needed to serve the corporation's needs, as well as the individual's needs.
 +We are currently low in standing, and will probably not accept -many- new recruits.
 +Tax Rate: 10%

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:18:04 Corporation Description
Corporation Star-Dust Drifters Industry Member 7
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