Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:18:22 - Live Ticker



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-Resurrection is a member driven corporation with leaders but not dictators. We are an active corp that focuses towards PvP however we do have an Industry Wing to support our members.<br><br>If you are active, have over 7mil SP and desire to live in SOV space then join our pub channel.<br><br>We are looking for members in all time zones however Euro and Australian members are currently of high priority.<br><br>For recruitment contact: Gorefacer, Charun Rynnaw and Tokin Mybong<br>For Command issues contact:Jayon Eyeshot and Rilewedge<br><br>Join our public channel REZ-PUB and speak with someone about signing up.<br><br><br>-TS3 and TS2 required<br>-Alliance/Corporation PvP operations daily+Resurrection is a member driven corporation with leaders but not dictators. We are an active corp that focuses towards PvP however we do have an Industry Wing to support our members.
 +If you are active, have over 7mil SP and desire to live in SOV space then join our pub channel.
 +We are looking for members in all time zones however Euro and Australian members are currently of high priority.
 +For recruitment contact: Gorefacer, Charun Rynnaw and Tokin Mybong
 +For Command issues contact:Jayon Eyeshot and Rilewedge
 +Join our public channel REZ-PUB and speak with someone about signing up.
 +-TS3 and TS2 required
 +-Alliance/Corporation PvP operations daily

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:18:22 Corporation Description
Corporation Resurrection Member 2
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