Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:20:00 - Live Ticker



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 +EERRRRR..................... Well we build and supply Wile E Coyote with all his Road Runner Catching Gear... tell us what we can make for you today. Garunteed delivery!
 +Now for an Endorsement from one of our longtime standing customers.
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">EERRRRR..................... Well we build and supply Wile E Coyote with all his Road Runner Catching Gear... tell us what we can make for you today. Garunteed delivery!<br><br>Now for an Endorsement from one of our longtime standing customers.<br><br>Hi My name is "The Evil Scientist" and you might remember me from the Bugs Bunnyâ„¢ cartoons. Well I just wanted to endorse Acme hardware, all my equipment is made by them, and so should yours be... call Acme hardware for your scientific needs today, I did.<br><br>You may wanna ask us about employment tho we have a pretty select staff who have passed IQ psychometric and humour checks (spelling optional) ... but we may be on the look out now and then for another in-patient ... oops I mean co-worker :)<br><br>Any legally diplomatic type stuff can be addressed to our big boss lady or better still pester our acting task master - </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1378//734120640">Dario Kaelenter</font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"></a> </font>+Hi My name is "The Evil Scientist" and you might remember me from the Bugs Bunnyâ„¢ cartoons. Well I just wanted to endorse Acme hardware, all my equipment is made by them, and so should yours be... call Acme hardware for your scientific needs today, I did.
 +You may wanna ask us about employment tho we have a pretty select staff who have passed IQ psychometric and humour checks (spelling optional) ... but we may be on the look out now and then for another in-patient ... oops I mean co-worker :)
 +Any legally diplomatic type stuff can be addressed to our big boss lady or better still pester our acting task master - Dario Kaelenter

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:20:00 Corporation Description
Corporation ACME HARDWARE Member 29
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