Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:21:55 - Live Ticker



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 +Finding good people in Eve is the hardest thing anyone will ever do in the game. Shadow Haven is a collection of people that are grateful to be so lucky.
-Finding good people in Eve is the hardest thing anyone will ever do in the game. Shadow Haven is a collection of people that are grateful to be so lucky.<br><br>We Recruit new and old pilots. Looking for people that are mature enough to be trusted and cool enough not to take life or a game too seriously. Row well..... and Live<br><br>Join our public Channel : The Cellar Door +We Recruit new and old pilots. Looking for people that are mature enough to be trusted and cool enough not to take life or a game too seriously. Row well..... and Live
 +Join our public Channel : The Cellar Door

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:21:55 Corporation Description
Alliance Silver Twilight Enterprises Member 0
Corporation Shadow Haven Member 5
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