Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:21:56 - Live Ticker



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 +We are a mining corp that is upbeat and always growing our ideas and making them strengths that allow us to move forward.
-We are a mining corp that is upbeat and always growing our ideas and making them strengths that allow us to move forward. <br><br>We are acceptng new members on trial basis only.. This means you try out for a couple weeks and then as long as you meet the criteria you can join the ranks. <br>We only have a few rules and they are as follows:<br><br>Rules:<br>1: Must have a mic so you can speak on Vent<br>2: You must be english speaking. (We are multi cultural and accept anyone that can speak the language.)<br>3: No DRAMA!!!!!<br>4: NO DRAMA!!!!!<br>5: No PVP unless the company is at war.<br>6: No starting wars. <br>7: No smack talk (No talking shit to someone else to get things started)<br><br><br>P.S. Yes we know its spelled Mining and we actually spelled it Minning. Well Vodka and Beer do that to someone.+We are acceptng new members on trial basis only.. This means you try out for a couple weeks and then as long as you meet the criteria you can join the ranks.
 +We only have a few rules and they are as follows:
 +1: Must have a mic so you can speak on Vent
 +2: You must be english speaking. (We are multi cultural and accept anyone that can speak the language.)
 +3: No DRAMA!!!!!
 +4: NO DRAMA!!!!!
 +5: No PVP unless the company is at war.
 +6: No starting wars.
 +7: No smack talk (No talking shit to someone else to get things started)
 +P.S. Yes we know its spelled Mining and we actually spelled it Minning. Well Vodka and Beer do that to someone.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:21:56 Corporation Description
Corporation ZERG Minning Corp Member 0
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