Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:22:43 - Live Ticker



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 +Claws of Cerberus is now open for recruitment. No SP requirement
 +Recruiting -
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Claws of Cerberus is now open for recruitment. No SP requirement<br><br><u>Recruiting</u> -<br>PvPers<br>Missioners<br>Miners<br>Producers<br><br>We are a member developement focused corp looking to build a fun, productive and profitable group of capsuleers offering assistance with obtaining essential skills/ships for the newer players.<br><br>Our main activities are aimed towards PvE (with access to many lvl 4 and 5 agents) and PvP.... Other trades are also welcome (Mining, Production, Invention, Trading etc etc).<br><br>As a corp we have plans for the future and there are opportunities for management progression for the right candidates.<br><br>Contacts for more information<br><br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1377//325042588">Wile Fett</a><br><a href="showinfo:1378//1854404441">Hedikini</a><br><a href="showinfo:1377//378473376">Lo'Kai</a><br><br></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Alternatively join our channel 'Claws Rec' or visit our Corporate Forums -</font>+We are a member developement focused corp looking to build a fun, productive and profitable group of capsuleers offering assistance with obtaining essential skills/ships for the newer players.
 +Our main activities are aimed towards PvE (with access to many lvl 4 and 5 agents) and PvP.... Other trades are also welcome (Mining, Production, Invention, Trading etc etc).
 +As a corp we have plans for the future and there are opportunities for management progression for the right candidates.
 +Contacts for more information
 +Wile Fett
 +Alternatively join our channel 'Claws Rec' or visit our Corporate Forums -

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:22:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Claws of Cerberus Member 7
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