Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:23:18 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Gambit Enterprise is recruiting all players new and old. We are a friendly laid back corp who caters to most professions out there. We do regular Mining ops, Mission ops, and some PvP on the side. All corp members gain access to our corp. ventrillo server and discounts on items that are made via our production team. We strive toward player success and making the most out of our EVE experience<br><br>Now training brand new players on the basics of the game and helping them ease into it at a steady pace.<br><br>*Join us in out public channel GAMBIT ACE* +Gambit Enterprise is recruiting all players new and old. We are a friendly laid back corp who caters to most professions out there. We do regular Mining ops, Mission ops, and some PvP on the side. All corp members gain access to our corp. ventrillo server and discounts on items that are made via our production team. We strive toward player success and making the most out of our EVE experience
 +Now training brand new players on the basics of the game and helping them ease into it at a steady pace.
 +*Join us in out public channel GAMBIT ACE*

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:23:18 Corporation Description
Corporation Gambit Enterprise Member 4
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