Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:29:02 - Live Ticker



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 +Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation with a current focus in nullsec operations. DLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of assets, from modules to ships, and eventually for entire stations.
-Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation with a current focus in nullsec operations. DLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of assets, from modules to ships, and eventually for entire stations.<br><br>DLG is currently seeking pilots with at least some experience in either blueprint management/R&amp;amp;D, mining and manufacturing, material and product transport, and security operations. If interested, please join channel "[DISLG] Front Desk" to begin interviews and start the process. +DLG is currently seeking pilots with at least some experience in either blueprint management/R&D, mining and manufacturing, material and product transport, and security operations. If interested, please join channel "[DISLG] Front Desk" to begin interviews and start the process.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:29:02 Corporation Description
Alliance Apocalypse Now. Member 619
Corporation Distant Light Galactic Member 4
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