Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:32:35 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +After a long time TMS is back
 +Recruitment status:
-After a long time TMS is back <br><br>Recruitment status:<br>EU TZ: OPEN<br>US TZ: OPEN<br><br>all apps must have full API and screenshot of contract history for consideration, blank<br>apps or apps without a full API and screenshot of contract history will be rejected <br><br><br><br>If would be interested in joining us feel free to join <br><br>*** TMS REBORN *** public channel <br><br>we can offer:<br><br>* Missioning<br>* planetary interaction training <br>* PVP Training<br>* Ships to get you started<br>* Ventrilo server<br>* Ship replacement program<br>+ Skill Book Program Free skill books up to 5 Mil isk in cost.<br>+ Merc work <br>+ Wormhole raiding <br>+ Pos bashing<br>+ Incursion's+all apps must have full API and screenshot of contract history for consideration, blank
 +apps or apps without a full API and screenshot of contract history will be rejected
 +If would be interested in joining us feel free to join
 +*** TMS REBORN *** public channel
 +we can offer:
 +* Missioning
 +* planetary interaction training
 +* PVP Training
 +* Ships to get you started
 +* Ventrilo server
 +* Ship replacement program
 ++ Skill Book Program Free skill books up to 5 Mil isk in cost.
 ++ Merc work
 ++ Wormhole raiding
 ++ Pos bashing
 ++ Incursion's

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:32:35 Corporation Description
Corporation Tactical Marm1te Soldiers Member 2
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API J:27 Mar 18:50 K:27 Mar 18:55 C:27 Mar 19:37 A:27 Mar 19:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 19:28 S:27 Mar 18:51 W:27 Mar 19:15