Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:32:38 - Live Ticker



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-Here at T.L.H. we are devoted to creating a laid back unrestricted environment for players to play Eve in. We pride ourselves on the experience of our members and co-owners and enjoy sharing that experience with each other. Our current resolve is to one day become a major part of all aspects of the New Eden economy. As a member of this growing organization you are entitled to not only voice your opinion but to participate in all decisions affecting T.L.H.<br>Have a nice day.<br>For Information or if interested in joining please contact<br>Tadasu Karente +Here at T.L.H. we are devoted to creating a laid back unrestricted environment for players to play Eve in. We pride ourselves on the experience of our members and co-owners and enjoy sharing that experience with each other. Our current resolve is to one day become a major part of all aspects of the New Eden economy. As a member of this growing organization you are entitled to not only voice your opinion but to participate in all decisions affecting T.L.H.
 +Have a nice day.
 +For Information or if interested in joining please contact
 +Tadasu Karente

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:32:38 Corporation Description
Corporation The Last Horizon Member 2
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