Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:39:59 - Live Ticker



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 +Welcome to Eve Mining Inc,
 +we do atm.
 +Mining solo/op
 +Fleet Op
 +Mission running
 +We Recruit Atm.
 +Fighter <Defend the mining op from rats
 +Haulers < to transport stuff from one station to another
 +Miners < to help out in mining op
 +Industry commander < prefer veteran player
 +Officer < prefer Veteran player
 +all are welcome to join even trail members.
 +Oure goal Atm is to get this corp up and running so the members can earn isk and get to know the game
 +U can find us at.
 +Annages VII - Astral Mining Inc. Mining Outpost
 +Arnon VIII - Moon - 2 CBO Corporation Storage
-Hello.<br>Welcome to Eve Mining Inc, <br>we do atm.<br>Mining solo/op<br>Fleet Op<br>Mission running<br>Manufacturing/Research<br>Exploration<br><br>We Recruit Atm.<br>Fighter &lt;Defend the mining op from rats <br>Haulers &lt; to transport stuff from one station to another<br>Miners &lt; to help out in mining op<br>Industry commander &lt; prefer veteran player<br>Officer &lt; prefer Veteran player<br><br><br>all are welcome to join even trail members.<br><br>Oure goal Atm is to get this corp up and running so the members can earn isk and get to know the game<br>U can find us at.<br><br>Annages VII - Astral Mining Inc. Mining Outpost<br>Arnon VIII - Moon - 2 CBO Corporation Storage<br><br>This is a Real Life first Corp that means if u have anything in real life to do, then do it eve is only a game<br><br>if u are can flipper or pirating u will get kicked+This is a Real Life first Corp that means if u have anything in real life to do, then do it eve is only a game
 +if u are can flipper or pirating u will get kicked

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:39:59 Corporation Description
Corporation Eve Mining Inc Member 1
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