Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:42:04 - Live Ticker



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 +PvP, pirating & General Skulduggery corporation; running away and hiding behind large collidable objects optional. Piracy grooming and regular wardecs likely :))
 +Miners, Carebears or players with YTREWQ imprinted on their forehead, "remain asleep, and please for the love of isk, DO NOT apply!!"
 +Corporation Killboard available.
 +Ventrilo Communication essential
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">PvP, pirating &amp; General Skulduggery corporation; running away and hiding behind large collidable objects optional. Piracy grooming and regular wardecs likely :))<br><br>Miners, Carebears or players with YTREWQ imprinted on their forehead, "remain asleep, and please for the love of isk, DO NOT apply!!"<br><br>Corporation Killboard available. <br><br>Ventrilo Communication essential<br><br>Looking for PVP skilled frigate, assault ship and logistic pilots. Euro time-zone most evenings/weekends; sense of humour essential with attitude towards EvE as a playground and not a way of life.</font>+Looking for PVP skilled frigate, assault ship and logistic pilots. Euro time-zone most evenings/weekends; sense of humour essential with attitude towards EvE as a playground and not a way of life.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:42:04 Corporation Description
Corporation Demented Duplicity Member 2
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