Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:43:22 - Live Ticker



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 +We are the ISA. and we like to blow the frak out of stuff.
 +We will do it for a merc contract, we will do it for territory and we will do it for revenge.
 +We take in anybody who is looking for some guys to fly with and work with. Anybody new we will accept and then turn into a killing machine within the month.
-We are the ISA. and we like to blow the frak out of stuff. <br>We will do it for a merc contract, we will do it for territory and we will do it for revenge.<br><br>We take in anybody who is looking for some guys to fly with and work with. Anybody new we will accept and then turn into a killing machine within the month. <br><br>We like all members to be in the USA and EU. Meaning people are always online. We will negotiate if you are not in either of those countrys but prefer people who are.<br>We have a POS<br>We have Allies<br>We have a 0.0 Alliance<br><br>Simply to apply conv or mail me and then I will run you through a interview. If you are the right kinda guy then we will take you in.<br><br>If you are new then we will teach you. Train you and fit you out to make stuff explode.<br><br>Rules: We wont take any crap from anybody in the ISA. or we will kick you and possibly camp you. <br>We work as a team and have respect for each other and follow the chain of command.<br>Keep a cool head and dont bitch if your new shiney ship just went pop.<br><br>Learn some more about us in the public area's of our forums.<br><br>Talk to me ingame about any questions or if you would like to join. Mail or conv me <a href="showinfo:1385//1181264581">Valkryin Rahl<br></a><br>This corp and my character are inactive due to being broken down and me being busy and occupied off eve, WHen i get back to eve corp will be active and built again.<br>~Valk+We like all members to be in the USA and EU. Meaning people are always online. We will negotiate if you are not in either of those countrys but prefer people who are.
 +We have a POS
 +We have Allies
 +We have a 0.0 Alliance
 +Simply to apply conv or mail me and then I will run you through a interview. If you are the right kinda guy then we will take you in.
 +If you are new then we will teach you. Train you and fit you out to make stuff explode.
 +Rules: We wont take any crap from anybody in the ISA. or we will kick you and possibly camp you.
 +We work as a team and have respect for each other and follow the chain of command.
 +Keep a cool head and dont bitch if your new shiney ship just went pop.
 +Learn some more about us in the public area's of our forums.
 +Talk to me ingame about any questions or if you would like to join. Mail or conv me Valkryin Rahl
 +This corp and my character are inactive due to being broken down and me being busy and occupied off eve, WHen i get back to eve corp will be active and built again.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:43:22 Corporation Description
Corporation Interplanetary Strategic Alliance Member 9
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