Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:44:11 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +PvP Corporation, low sec / 0.0 NBSI
 +- 5 mill SP *sponserships welcome*
 +- Basic understanding of Low Sec, 0.0
 +- Loyalty
 +- Vent
 +- Mic
-PvP Corporation, low sec / 0.0 NBSI<br>Requirements<br>- 5 mill SP *sponserships welcome*<br>- Basic understanding of Low Sec, 0.0<br>- Loyalty<br>- Vent<br>- Mic<br>No trials, Don't waste the time. If you're interested put a application with you're API, and we'll give you a interview. +No trials, Don't waste the time. If you're interested put a application with you're API, and we'll give you a interview.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:44:11 Corporation Description
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