Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:48:26 - Live Ticker



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 +The Mirage Conglomerate is a Private Industry supplying the vastness of the EVE Galaxy
-The Mirage Conglomerate is a Private Industry supplying the vastness of the EVE Galaxy<br><br>Private Contracts can be set up with crazy eye <a href="showinfo:1373//1869544113">Sephies</a>. Can supply any Tech 1 ship, Tech 2 ship, Dreads, Carriers, Freighters, Orcas and Rorquals upon request. Understand that these will be made to order, so it can take some time depending on the order.<br><br>If you wish to purchase any of the available options, send a mail, will respond ASAP. +Private Contracts can be set up with crazy eye Sephies. Can supply any Tech 1 ship, Tech 2 ship, Dreads, Carriers, Freighters, Orcas and Rorquals upon request. Understand that these will be made to order, so it can take some time depending on the order.
 +If you wish to purchase any of the available options, send a mail, will respond ASAP.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:48:26 Corporation Description
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Corporation The Mirage Conglomerate Member 15
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