Corporation - Description - 2013-01-22 06:01:32 - Live Ticker



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 +With our fires hot and our hammers red,
-With our fires hot and our hammers red,<br>We strike through cylinders, our cubic dread.<br>By many a laser, and ships in a belt,<br>Many weapons do our asteroids smelt.<br>With Hulks and Orcas, and Rorquals with luck,<br>By missles from drakes, are pirates struck.<br>Through round holes, square pegs we hammer,<br>Until we are able to raise our banner.<br>It seems unfitting, without introductions,<br>We are Violent Force Productions.+We strike through cylinders, our cubic dread.
 +By many a laser, and ships in a belt,
 +Many weapons do our asteroids smelt.
 +With Hulks and Orcas, and Rorquals with luck,
 +By missles from drakes, are pirates struck.
 +Through round holes, square pegs we hammer,
 +Until we are able to raise our banner.
 +It seems unfitting, without introductions,
 +We are Violent Force Productions.

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Resources 2013-01-22 06:01:32 Corporation Description
Alliance EntroPraetorian Aegis Member 260
Corporation Violent Force Productions Member 25
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