Corporation - Description - 2013-02-05 08:32:30 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Founded in early 2009, Revilers Cartel started out as a pirate organization within the silent depths of Ammatar space, nomadically searching for new prey within the nearby, more fruitful, low-sec regions of Minmatar space. As time went on, the Cartel went through many radical career changes and various states of inactivity. Today, Revilers Cartel is now a proud advocate of the Amarr Empire and a servant of the 24th Imperial Crusade, seeking to destroy the barbaric Minmatar rebellion and their heretical Gallentean cohorts. Founded in early 2009, Revilers Cartel started out as a pirate organization within the silent depths of Ammatar space, nomadically searching for new prey within the nearby, more fruitful, low-sec regions of Minmatar space. As time went on, the Cartel went through many radical career changes and various states of inactivity. Today, Revilers Cartel is now a proud advocate of the Amarr Empire and a servant of the 24th Imperial Crusade, seeking to destroy the barbaric Minmatar rebellion and their heretical Gallentean cohorts.
 Recruitment Details:  Recruitment Details:
 All applicants are required to... All applicants are required to...
 â–¶ Contact a recruiter for an interview prior to applying. â–¶ Contact a recruiter for an interview prior to applying.
 â–¶ Live in Amarr space, preferably near the Amarr Solar System. â–¶ Live in Amarr space, preferably near the Amarr Solar System.
-â–¶ Have a minimum of at least ten million skill-points. +â–¶ Have a minimum of at least five million skill-points.
 â–¶ Have a minimum Amarr factional standing of 1.0 or higher. â–¶ Have a minimum Amarr factional standing of 1.0 or higher.
 All applicants will recieve... All applicants will recieve...
 â–¶ Training, fitting advice, and skill planning. â–¶ Training, fitting advice, and skill planning.
 â–¶ An endless supply of factional war-targets, and get paid for killing them. â–¶ An endless supply of factional war-targets, and get paid for killing them.
 â–¶ Limited ship reimbursement for fleet operations. â–¶ Limited ship reimbursement for fleet operations.
 â–¶ Access to our privately owned TeamSpeak 3 server. â–¶ Access to our privately owned TeamSpeak 3 server.
 Contact Information:  Contact Information:
 Blnukem 192, CEO Blnukem 192, CEO
 Havoc123, Director Havoc123, Director
 Joe Kaperski, Director Joe Kaperski, Director
 Dim Raholan, Recruiter Dim Raholan, Recruiter
 +WelcomeBack, Recruiter
 Join our public channel "Mord Haus" if you wish to contact a director or recruiter. Join our public channel "Mord Haus" if you wish to contact a director or recruiter.

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Resources 2013-02-05 08:32:30 Corporation Description
Corporation Revilers Cartel Member 0
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