Corporation - Description - 2013-02-08 08:27:51 - Live Ticker



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-Red Horizon Inc is a 0.0 based corp, with a highly active, friendly group of members. Recruitment is open for a limited time, join RED HORIZON public channel for a chat! +Red Horizon Inc is a 0.0 based corp, with a highly active, friendly group of members. join RED HORIZON public channel for a chat!
 Who we are and what we offer: Who we are and what we offer:
 â˜¼ Experienced, active players, US, UK, EU Timezones â˜¼ Experienced, active players, US, UK, EU Timezones
-☼ PVP, Mining, Industry & Exploration +☼ PVP, Industry & Exploration
 â˜¼ 0.0 access - good ratting & plexing space, ABC ores â˜¼ 0.0 access - good ratting & plexing space, ABC ores
-☼ Daily PVP ops: corp and alliance fleets, capable FCs +☼ Daily PVP ops: corp, alliance and coalition fleets capable FCs
 â˜¼ Support: cheap ships, advice, training, dedicated logistics â˜¼ Support: cheap ships, advice, training, dedicated logistics
 â˜¼ Insurance based ship replacement scheme, reward scheme for active pvpers â˜¼ Insurance based ship replacement scheme, reward scheme for active pvpers
 â˜¼ Alliance comms, forums and killboards â˜¼ Alliance comms, forums and killboards
-☼ Mining bonuses, perfect refines, mineral buy scheme  
 â˜¼ Corp logistics; JF, carrier and Rorq/Orca pilots â˜¼ Corp logistics; JF, carrier and Rorq/Orca pilots
 â˜¼ Research, invention, T1, T2 and capital production â˜¼ Research, invention, T1, T2 and capital production
 â˜¼ Cheap capital ships for members â˜¼ Cheap capital ships for members
 â˜¼ Opportunities for advancement â˜¼ Opportunities for advancement
 Who we would like: Who we would like:
 â˜¼ Active players, all timezones â˜¼ Active players, all timezones
 â˜¼ Sense of humour â˜¼ Sense of humour
-☼ Able to log on to Vent/TS +☼ Able to log on to TS
 â˜¼ Willing to participate in Corp & Alliance ops â˜¼ Willing to participate in Corp & Alliance ops
 â˜¼ One Month Induction â˜¼ One Month Induction
 â˜¼ Inactive players are kicked after long periods of inactivity â˜¼ Inactive players are kicked after long periods of inactivity
 â˜¼ FULL API and User ID required, voice interview preferred â˜¼ FULL API and User ID required, voice interview preferred
 â˜¼ NBSI policy everywhere â˜¼ NBSI policy everywhere
 Contacts: Contacts:
 Recruitment Slinky1984, Satans Lovechild, Tropic154. Recruitment Slinky1984, Satans Lovechild, Tropic154.
 Diplomat: Slinky1984 Diplomat: Slinky1984

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Resources 2013-02-08 08:27:51 Corporation Description
Alliance Cult of War Member 0
Corporation Red Horizon Inc Member 11
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