Corporation - Description - 2013-03-17 08:02:32 - Live Ticker



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 Illusory Superiority. Illusory Superiority.
 Think you can be above average? Think you can be above average?
 We are a member of KRAKEN alliance, and fullfill a number of roles within it. We are a member of KRAKEN alliance, and fullfill a number of roles within it.
 We are actively recruiting; We are actively recruiting;
 ~ People who want to PvP. ~ People who want to PvP.
 We have many targets for you to kill. Come down and join the massacre. We have many targets for you to kill. Come down and join the massacre.
 ~ People who want to mine. ~ People who want to mine.
 We have many rocks, and they are more profitable than hisec ones, with corporation buying programs. We have many rocks, and they are more profitable than hisec ones, with corporation buying programs.
 We offer; We offer;
 PvP within a SOV holding alliance, within a large coalition. PvP is there whenever you want it, in large groups, solo, small gangs, capitals, Blops, you name it. PvP within a SOV holding alliance, within a large coalition. PvP is there whenever you want it, in large groups, solo, small gangs, capitals, Blops, you name it.
 Reduced priced fully fit pvp ships, ready to go at deployment areas. Reduced priced fully fit pvp ships, ready to go at deployment areas.
 JF logistics from high sec. JF logistics from high sec.
 Fully supported nullsec mining operations. Fully supported nullsec mining operations.
 A great alliance with great people. A great alliance with great people.
 Great systems to rat and anom in for iskies. Great systems to rat and anom in for iskies.
 What we ask for; What we ask for;
 Join CTA's when your available. Join CTA's when your available.
 Join corp mining ops when available. Join corp mining ops when available.
 Don't be a drama llama. Don't be a drama llama.
-Contact Porthorian Marone for recruitment. +Contact Porthorian Marone for recruitment, or join our public channel ''illusory superiority''.
 Contact Cardinal Sean for diplo. Contact Cardinal Sean for diplo.

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Resources 2013-03-17 08:02:32 Corporation Description
Alliance Kraken. Member 0
Corporation Illusory Superiority Member 14
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