Corporation - Description - 2013-04-11 08:16:25 - Live Ticker



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-Transcendental Security Services (T5S) is a mission and mining corporation. We promote working as a team to reach goals while also supporting the idea of solo work. +Transcendental Security Services (T5S) is a mission and mining/industry corporation. We promote working as a team to reach goals while also supporting the idea of solo work. We are a laid back corporation and understand you have a life.
 +>New player friendly
 +>No sp requirments (trial accounts welcome)
-Currently we are taking applications for Mission Runners, Miners, and Industry. 
-(No sp requirments) +Current openings in:
 +-mission running
 +>Mining ops with orca support.
 +>T1 Ships supplied for new miners and hualers.
 +>Free frieghter runs for members.
 +>Lvl 4 mission running.
 For questions about joining or anything else contact Sulynis For questions about joining or anything else contact Sulynis
 Fear has its use but cowardice has none.  Fear has its use but cowardice has none.
 -Mohandas Gandhi  -Mohandas Gandhi
-No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.  
--George S. Patton 

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Resources 2013-04-11 08:16:25 Corporation Description
Corporation Transcendental Security Services Member 19
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