Corporation - Description - 2013-04-12 08:35:39 - Live Ticker



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 Solar Havoc Technologies is a relaxed corp whose pilots work together to perfect the art of combat. Situated in Gallente space, both high & low, focusing on FW at the moment (with some exploration for change of pace/scenery) Solar Havoc Technologies is a relaxed corp whose pilots work together to perfect the art of combat. Situated in Gallente space, both high & low, focusing on FW at the moment (with some exploration for change of pace/scenery)
 - Friendly, casual gaming environment - yet focusing on improving piloting, and working well together in fleets - Friendly, casual gaming environment - yet focusing on improving piloting, and working well together in fleets
 - Regular fleet ops - Regular fleet ops
 - Voice comm server, mostly via Gallente Militia TS3 - Voice comm server, mostly via Gallente Militia TS3
 - All time zones welcome (currently a mix of EU and US) - All time zones welcome (currently a mix of EU and US)
 Join Public Chat Channel - 'SOTEC Public' Join Public Chat Channel - 'SOTEC Public'
-Interested pilots please contact Gothie Maulerant or Dev Soni or just submit your applications - and start enjoying the game the way it's supposed to be! +Interested pilots please contact Gothie Maulerant - and start enjoying the game the way it's supposed to be!

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Resources 2013-04-12 08:35:39 Corporation Description
Alliance Monkeys with Guns. Member 171
Corporation Solar Havoc Technologies Member 7
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