Corporation - Description - 2013-05-24 09:21:03 - Live Ticker



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 Want to join a fun corp with dark under tones? The darkside of insanity are looking for pilots that are interested in pvp in nul sec, we are a small corp who roam and pvp.  Want to join a fun corp with dark under tones? The darkside of insanity are looking for pilots that are interested in pvp in nul sec, we are a small corp who roam and pvp.
 We don’t have many rules, but We don’t have many rules, but
 Do what you like, Do what you like,
 To who you like, (except if they are set blue, shooting blue expels you from corp) To who you like, (except if they are set blue, shooting blue expels you from corp)
 When you like, When you like,
 18 years+ only.  18 years+ only.
-minium requirement, must be able to fly a sb and a t2 fitted frig for pvp+
 Must have access and can use TS3 Must have access and can use TS3
 For any of the above contact twhcommanche1 or 1ego For any of the above contact twhcommanche1 or 1ego

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Resources 2013-05-24 09:21:03 Corporation Description
Corporation darkside of insanity Member 0
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