| http://i.imgur.com/1RxGM.png | | http://i.imgur.com/1RxGM.png |
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| [21:23:37] Horak Thor > we dont want to fight you we just want you to die | | [21:23:37] Horak Thor > we dont want to fight you we just want you to die |
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| [21:15:56] pmcunit > cynthia faction warfare isnt really pvp | | [21:15:56] pmcunit > cynthia faction warfare isnt really pvp |
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| [08:00:36] Esh Slyyn > ecm tears best tears | | [08:00:36] Esh Slyyn > ecm tears best tears |
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| [13:17:46] Sgt Thorpee > tttthis is how plex's are supposed to be ran :op | | [13:17:46] Sgt Thorpee > tttthis is how plex's are supposed to be ran :op |
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| [16:06:44] unbless83 > lets see you come to our hisec | | [16:06:44] unbless83 > lets see you come to our hisec |
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| [04:52:33] Cthylhy > if any1 has nothing to do, we could capture Huola | | [04:52:33] Cthylhy > if any1 has nothing to do, we could capture Huola |
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| [10:53:33] Dan Carter Murray > he's TLF | | [10:53:33] Dan Carter Murray > he's TLF |
| [10:53:45] Dan Carter Murray > probably a WBR alt | | [10:53:45] Dan Carter Murray > probably a WBR alt |
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| [12:56:34] Skahd Hii > orca revolutionised gay tactics, making carebears look like pros | | [12:56:34] Skahd Hii > orca revolutionised gay tactics, making carebears look like pros |
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| [05:49:39] Atrum Skyhunter > Wait you mean to tell me there are people who actually PvE in FW? | | [05:49:39] Atrum Skyhunter > Wait you mean to tell me there are people who actually PvE in FW? |
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| [07:05:01] Cynthia Nezmor > seriously how do you spend 14 bil | | [07:05:01] Cynthia Nezmor > seriously how do you spend 14 bil |
| [07:05:13] Urmung 'Icepick' Cosbu > 14 monocles? | | [07:05:13] Urmung 'Icepick' Cosbu > 14 monocles? |
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| [00:39:19] Bardos Skylifter > I have 800K, anything worth taking back to nullsec? | | [00:39:19] Bardos Skylifter > I have 800K, anything worth taking back to nullsec? |
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| [09:39:19] Jack Lanigiro > I was told kamela is the only warzone | | [09:39:19] Jack Lanigiro > I was told kamela is the only warzone |
| [09:39:25] Jack Lanigiro > and if you go past auga you're awol | | [09:39:25] Jack Lanigiro > and if you go past auga you're awol |
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| Loryanna > non-sanctioned non-alliance Op | | Loryanna > non-sanctioned non-alliance Op |
| Kill: Eperor (Leviathan) | | Kill: Eperor (Leviathan) |
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| [12:27:14] Lenoir Etoille > cynthia! | | [12:27:14] Lenoir Etoille > cynthia! |
| [12:27:45] Lenoir Etoille > now i know who people might refer to when they call me "cynthia" in local | | [12:27:45] Lenoir Etoille > now i know who people might refer to when they call me "cynthia" in local |
| [12:28:11] Lenoir Etoille > they are somehow convinced that i'm you | | [12:28:11] Lenoir Etoille > they are somehow convinced that i'm you |
| [12:28:14] Lenoir Etoille > lol | | [12:28:14] Lenoir Etoille > lol |
| [12:29:05] Lenoir Etoille > no idea why | | [12:29:05] Lenoir Etoille > no idea why |
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| + | [16:10:10] Colt Blackhawk > btw how did damar manage it some months ago to get banned? |
| + | [16:11:27] Flyinghotpocket > killing some dude at a RP event |
| + | [16:11:49] Colt Blackhawk > in rl? lol |
| + | [16:14:54] Sakkar Arenith > eve is real... |