Corporation - Description - 2013-06-07 08:28:27 - Live Ticker



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 Technomancers is now an INCURSION Corporation who fly with "Incursion Shiny Network", a Shield community. The ISN community require a large investment into skills and we require the same. Technomancers is now an INCURSION Corporation who fly with "Incursion Shiny Network", a Shield community. The ISN community require a large investment into skills and we require the same.
-If you are interested in joining Technomancers you must meet the following requirements: 
-Pirate Battleship Hulls 
-Logistics 5 (For Logi Pilots) 
-T2 GUNS (Pulse/Beam, Blaster, Artillary/Autocannon) 
-T2 MODULES (Tracking Computer, Sensor Booster, Adaptive Invunlerability Field, Heatsink/Gyro, Damage Control, Shield Relay, Cap Relay, Scout Drones.) 
-Please join our public channel or speak with one of the recruitment officers if you would like to learn more. +If you are interested in joining Technomancers you must meet the minimum requirements. Please join our public channel or speak with one of the recruitment officers about the requirements to join.
 Public Channel: T3CHN Public Channel: T3CHN

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Resources 2013-06-07 08:28:27 Corporation Description
Corporation Technomancers Member 1
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