Corporation - Description - 2013-06-15 06:00:28 - Live Ticker



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-Illusory Superiority.+"Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is."- Peter Balish
-Think you can be above average?+CEO- Cardinal Sean
-We are a member of KRAKEN alliance, and fullfill a number of roles within it.+Directors- Mac Hawkins , Porthorian Marone , Yoko Sylibis , samieo william , Aylisa Airo
-We are actively recruiting; 
-~ People who want to PvP. 
-We have many targets for you to kill. Come down and join the massacre. 
-~ People who want to mine.+Diplomat- Porthorian Marone
-We have many rocks, and they are more profitable than hisec ones, with corporation buying programs. - You still have to PvP though! 
-We offer; 
-PvP within a SOV holding alliance, within a Medium size coalition. PvP is there whenever you want it, in large groups, solo, small gangs, Blops, and some capital fights.+Recruitment Contacts- Porthorian Marone , Aylisa Airo , Criks , Siphix Adestur
--Fully fit pvp ships, ready to go at deployment areas. 
--JF logistics from high sec. 
--Fully supported nullsec mining operations. 
--A great alliance with great people. 
--Great systems to rat, PI, and anom in for iskies. 
-What we ask for; 
-Join CTA's when your available. 
-Be active in PvP. 
-Don't be a drama llama. 
-Contact Porthorian Marone for recruitment, or join our public channel ''illusory superiority''.+Public Channel- Illusory Superiority
-Contact Cardinal Sean for diplo. 

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Resources 2013-06-15 06:00:28 Corporation Description
Alliance R O G U E Member 0
Corporation Illusory Superiority Member 14
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