Corporation - Description - 2013-06-15 08:03:09 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Head Honcho: Zev Somtaaw Head Honcho: Zev Somtaaw
 Diplomat: Vasili Rykov Diplomat: Vasili Rykov
 Recruiters: Kasen Soban Recruiters: Kasen Soban
 Recruitment is: OPEN Recruitment is: OPEN
 Ronin Interstellar industries is a small, dedicated company that was founded on the basis of teamwork. RII specializes in both ice and ore mining with manufacturing and mission running as secondary roles. Seeking all qualified applicants to fulfill any and all positions. We are a friendly organization to both new and old players alike. Please contact our recruiters for more information. Ronin Interstellar industries is a small, dedicated company that was founded on the basis of teamwork. RII specializes in both ice and ore mining with manufacturing and mission running as secondary roles. Seeking all qualified applicants to fulfill any and all positions. We are a friendly organization to both new and old players alike. Please contact our recruiters for more information.
 Current positions available include: Current positions available include:
 Security Officers Security Officers
 Mining Technicians Mining Technicians
 Explorers Explorers
 - Limited API Key required during interview - Limited API Key required during interview
-- 5 Million SP Minimum+- No Minumum SP
 - Ability to see reason and have minor logic capabilities required. - Ability to see reason and have minor logic capabilities required.
 "I only have one rule. Everyone fights. No one quits. You don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself." "I only have one rule. Everyone fights. No one quits. You don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself."
 Nec Aspera Terrent - Difficulties Be Damned Nec Aspera Terrent - Difficulties Be Damned

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Resources 2013-06-15 08:03:09 Corporation Description
Corporation Ronin Interstellar Industries Member 40
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