Corporation - Description - 2013-06-28 08:07:52 - Live Ticker



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-Piwate corp DO NOT DISTURB ! also Winmatar FW ftw. +We are a Piwate corp ok ?! DO NOT DISTURB !
-CEO: Cpt jacksparow 
-CO-CEO : Cpt Varox 
-Diplomat : Arya KENZO 
-Recruitment officers : Cpt Varox , Cpt JackSparow+CEO : Cpt Varox (kinda like a ceo, not really)
 +Director : Rook Otomeya (i got takle!)
 +Diplomat : Arya KENZO (all bussiness all the time)
 +If you are inclined to join cause the voices in your head say so please adress to Recruitment Officers : Rook Otomeya , Cpt VaroX
 +Join if : have a brain and the will to use it are self sufficient, belive in small scale pvp and solo pvp, honor your word if you offer a ransom will apease the blood god by spilling the space pixel blood of your victim or yours
 +6.the voices inside your head wisper ''keel keel'' are chill
 +8.tears fuel your ship, and you devise new ways to explode other plp space pixels get a mad grin on your face everytime you have takle on someone
 +10.You belive a corp should have few blues,and little to no rules.
 +11: if all else fails: blame varox
 +ps: Rl first its a game.

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Resources 2013-06-28 08:07:52 Corporation Description
Corporation Victrix Immortalis Member 2
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