Corporation - Description - 2013-06-28 08:41:22 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Pilgrims is one of the oldest corporations still active in EVE Online since 2004. Needless to say we have learned some things along the way and are willing to pass that knowledge along to those who wish to join the corp. Pilgrims is one of the oldest corporations still active in EVE Online since 2004. Needless to say we have learned some things along the way and are willing to pass that knowledge along to those who wish to join the corp.
-We offer: 
-* Comaraderie. 
-* Small gang roams and camps. 
-* Lots of fun and a high avoidance of boring POS bashing! 
 We welcome players with the right attitude to learn and become a part of a null sec pvp corporation.  We welcome players with the right attitude to learn and become a part of a null sec pvp corporation.
-We have knowledge in all areas of the game and we are a member of a supporting Alliance that offers miners and indy types a home as well. We can provide almost all activities and aspects of EVE Online. +We have knowledge in all areas of the game and we are a member of a supporting Alliance that offers miners and indy types a home as well. We can provide almost all activities and aspects of EVE Online, even though our main focus is PvP.
 Join our ranks now and make a difference. Join our ranks now and make a difference.
-√ EU and US Time-Zones 
-√ PVP 
-√ New to pvp and veteran players welcome (25mil sp min) 
 Contacts: Contacts:
 MrBarbarrino MrBarbarrino
-Rent a TS3 Server for your corp or alliance. 
-56 slots for 50 million isk a month, price can be negotiated for more or less slots as needed. 
-Contact Fireborn ETF for details.+Silverstone
 +Rajon Kelper

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Resources 2013-06-28 08:41:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Insane Asylum Member 0
Corporation PILGRIMS Member 323
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