Corporation - Description - 2013-07-10 08:23:11 - Live Ticker



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 If no other corp will have you, why would we?...j/king don't pod yourself, someone must want you... If no other corp will have you, why would we?...j/king don't pod yourself, someone must want you...
-We are here to provide a fun, relaxed, real-life-comes-first atmosphere while mining, missioning, and in incursions while we train to expand our operations into nullsec, w-space, industry, and pvp. We are anti-pirate and have a pragmatic NRDS policy. No minimum skill points to join so new players are welcome to join. We have a tax rate of 2% to pay for our corp offices and corp projects. +We are here to provide a fun, relaxed, real-life-comes-first atmosphere while mining, missioning, and in incursions while we train to expand our operations into nullsec, w-space, industry, and pvp. We are based in Lonetrek region, are anti-pirate, and have a pragmatic NRDS policy. No minimum skill points to join so new players are welcome to join. We have a tax rate of 2% to pay for our corp offices and various corp projects.
-Join the chat channel "LRST" or mail Omega Flames for more info/diplo. +Join the chat channel "LRST" or evemail Omega Flames for more info/diplo.

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Resources 2013-07-10 08:23:11 Corporation Description
Corporation Last Resort Inn Member 6
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