Corporation - Description - 2013-08-01 08:03:00 - Live Ticker



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-The Seeds of Earth is a corporation dedicated to comraderie and the group success of all its members. +Seeds of Earth is a corporation dedicated to comraderie and the group success of all its members.
 Our long term goals are to conquer the galaxy and beyond. Our long term goals are to conquer the galaxy and beyond.
 It is this corporation's dream to unite all of New Eden under one empire so that we as a whole can advance further than anyone thought possible. We will reclaim the greatness that once belonged to our forefathers from Earth and surpass them in influence and power. It is this corporation's dream to unite all of New Eden under one empire so that we as a whole can advance further than anyone thought possible. We will reclaim the greatness that once belonged to our forefathers from Earth and surpass them in influence and power.
 We are currently recruiting. Look up our ad, join our public channel (3RFS Public), or message Jon Andedare if you are interested. Note API key and a minimum of 3 million skill points required. If you have less than 3 million see Nova Sol Academy. We are currently recruiting. Look up our ad, join our public channel (3RFS Public), or message Jon Andedare if you are interested. Note API key and a minimum of 3 million skill points required. If you have less than 3 million see Nova Sol Academy.

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Resources 2013-08-01 08:03:00 Corporation Description
Alliance Nova Sol Federation of Worlds Member 0
Corporation Seeds of Earth Member 9
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