Corporation - Description - 2013-08-18 08:11:16 - Live Ticker



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-SVER Blood Pack is the PVP division of STB 
-We're currently a part of The Dinner Coalation focusing on 0.0 PVP as well as dropping Orbitals for our DUST514 division 
 Recruitment is Open Recruitment is Open
 TZ: All TZ: All
 10mil SP minimum 10mil SP minimum
 18 years of age minimum 18 years of age minimum
 Willingness to step up and work as a team Willingness to step up and work as a team
 Applications must include the following information: Applications must include the following information:
 - FULL API Key ID / vCode / mask - FULL API Key ID / vCode / mask
 - A word or two about yourself and your goals - A word or two about yourself and your goals
 Blank applications will be rejected! Blank applications will be rejected!
-** STB is sponsored by SPLIT-KNUCLE GAMING ** 

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Resources 2013-08-18 08:11:16 Corporation Description
Alliance Insidious Empire Member 4
Corporation SVER Bloodpack Member 0
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