Corporation - Description - 2013-09-07 08:08:53 - Live Ticker



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-We are a Piwate corp ok ?! DO NOT DISTURB ! +We are a Piwate corp ok ?!
 CEO : Cpt Varox (kinda like a ceo, not really) CEO : Cpt Varox (kinda like a ceo, not really)
 Director : Rook Otomeya (i got tackle!) Director : Rook Otomeya (i got tackle!)
 Diplomat : Arya KENZO (all bussiness all the time) Diplomat : Arya KENZO (all bussiness all the time)
 If you are inclined to join cause the voices in your head say so please adress to Recruitment Officers : Rook Otomeya , Cpt VaroX If you are inclined to join cause the voices in your head say so please adress to Recruitment Officers : Rook Otomeya , Cpt VaroX
 Join if :  Join if : have a brain and the will to use it have a brain and the will to use it are self sufficient, are self sufficient, belive in small scale pvp and solo pvp, belive in small scale pvp and solo pvp, honor your word if you offer a ransom honor your word if you offer a ransom will apease the blood god by spilling the space pixel blood of your victim or yours will apease the blood god by spilling the space pixel blood of your victim or yours
 6.the voices inside your head wisper ''keel keel'' 6.the voices inside your head wisper ''keel keel'' are chill are chill
 8.tears fuel your ship, and you devise new ways to explode other plp space pixels 8.tears fuel your ship, and you devise new ways to explode other plp space pixels get a mad grin on your face everytime you have takle on someone get a mad grin on your face everytime you have takle on someone
 10.You belive a corp should have few blues,and little to no rules. 10.You belive a corp should have few blues,and little to no rules.
 11: if all else fails: blame varox 11: if all else fails: blame varox
 ps: Rl first its a game. ps: Rl first its a game.

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Resources 2013-09-07 08:08:53 Corporation Description
Corporation Victrix Immortalis Member 2
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