Corporation - Description - 2013-09-17 08:03:11 - Live Ticker



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 The Bloodpack - We bleed together. The Bloodpack - We bleed together.
 We are a strong and active 0.0 based corporation and a proud member of Insidious Empire which currently lives in Cobalt Edge. We offer a PVP rich enviroment with plenty of opportunities to make friends and become part of the family! You can mine, rat, pvp, and do much more within our corp! Friendly advise and readiness to help in our corp is one of our key elements. We fight together, we mine together, and we die together.  We are a strong and active 0.0 based corporation and a proud member of Insidious Empire which currently lives in Cobalt Edge. We offer a PVP rich enviroment with plenty of opportunities to make friends and become part of the family! You can mine, rat, pvp, and do much more within our corp! Friendly advise and readiness to help in our corp is one of our key elements. We fight together, we mine together, and we die together.
 CEO: Zorlin T'nal  CEO: Zorlin T'nal
-Directors: MissMaGee Roaden +Directors: MissMaGee - Roaden
 Diplomat: Czargio  Diplomat: Czargio
-Recruiters: Tibalt Avalon Tyrennis ayethe Mikakka Czargio +Recruiters: Tibalt Avalon - ayethe Mikakka - Czargio
 Join our Public Channel STBBP Pub  Join our Public Channel STBBP Pub
 Recruitment is: Open Recruitment is: Open
 - Recruiting People of all Timeszones! - Recruiting People of all Timeszones!
 - 10mil SP minimum Requirement (Exceptions can be made) - 10mil SP minimum Requirement (Exceptions can be made)
 - 18 years of age minimum - 18 years of age minimum
 - Willingness to step up and work as a team - Willingness to step up and work as a team
 - Ability to be on IRC & Mumble - Ability to be on IRC & Mumble
 - Work for the betterment of the Corp - Work for the betterment of the Corp
 Applications must include the following information: Applications must include the following information:
 - FULL API Key ID / vCode / mask - FULL API Key ID / vCode / mask
 And a word or two about yourself and your goals And a word or two about yourself and your goals
 Blank applications will be rejected! Blank applications will be rejected!
 SVER Bloodpack - 0.0 SOV, PVP & Indy ★ Join the Bloodpack  SVER Bloodpack - 0.0 SOV, PVP & Indy ★ Join the Bloodpack

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Resources 2013-09-17 08:03:11 Corporation Description
Alliance Insidious Empire Member 4
Corporation SVER Bloodpack Member 0
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