Corporation - Description - 2013-09-22 08:54:16 - Live Ticker



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 CCRC is looking for new pilots to join its ranks. CCRC is looking for new pilots to join its ranks.
 How we operate: How we operate:
 CCRC is a PvP corporation who utilizes teamwork to benefit all members. We wardec either through contracts or personal choice. CCRC is a PvP corporation who utilizes teamwork to benefit all members. We wardec either through contracts or personal choice.
 Requirements: Requirements:
 Pilot must have completed the tutorial Pilot must have completed the tutorial
 Sense of Humour & Laid back approach to Eve Sense of Humour & Laid back approach to Eve
 NO SP MINIMUM! We take pilots of all “ages” NO SP MINIMUM! We take pilots of all “ages”
 Benefits: Benefits:
 T1 Ship costs provided for ships lost on ops. T1 Ship costs provided for ships lost on ops.
 Low 4% Tax Low 4% Tax
 We are very laid back, friendly, and relaxed bunch of guys so please contact Roy Jones Jnr for more details if interested. We are very laid back, friendly, and relaxed bunch of guys so please contact Roy Jones Jnr for more details if interested.
 +"We turn Pups into Wolves"

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Resources 2013-09-22 08:54:16 Corporation Description
Corporation Charlie Chaplins Raggamuffin Crew Member 1
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