Corporation - Description - 2013-09-27 08:06:48 - Live Ticker



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-Degs Inc.+Degs Inc. is primarily an Industrial corporation that utilizes components involving ice/ore mining, refinement, blueprint manufacturing and market capitalization to develop new miners and support corporate efforts. Here is what we have to offer:
-Primarily an Industrial corporation that utilizes +* The opportunity to make tremendous amounts of ISK!
-components involving : 
-ice / ore mining+* Rookie Miner Development Program – provides rookie miners with ships, modules, skillbooks, and a guideline to develop themselves as a player!
-Now recruiting industrial pilots of ALL skillpoint levels. Experienced pilots in place to help guide you on your way.+* Safe Hi-Sec fleet training and development sector with Orca boosting and the option of ice mining or rare ore mining
 +* Null-Sec Operations for improved players at a Corporate Rank of Tier 3 Miner or higher
 +* Fleet operations for primarily mining, however we frequently perform PVE missions, PVP roams, and various other activities
 +* We are part of a strong and tight-knit Alliance that supports each other in many ship and module buying/replacement programs
-Join the team today.+
 +* Established comms in TeamSpeak3 (free program that allows for voice communication – speeds up learning process and compliments fleet ops)
 +We’re interested in players of all skill levels, new and experienced, from all time zones! If you think this is the corporation for you, contact :
 +Drake Denard US Tz
 +Lambda Meissa EU Tz

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Resources 2013-09-27 08:06:48 Corporation Description
Alliance Valhalla Empire Member 0
Corporation Degs Inc. Member 5
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